
Dear Lashes’s Daily Makeup Product Essentials

Now I change up my makeup most days. But these are the main ones which keep popping into my routine.

Napoleon Perdis primer. This is so soothing to my skin and it helps calm my face after I’ve exfoliated in the mornings.

Napoleon Camera finish powder. This is my favorite powder ever! It can be worn on it’s own or to set other foundation for a fuller coverage. It’s the only makeup item I constantly replace without a second thought.

Jordana best lash extreme mascara. I thought when Lauren Curtis spoke about this it only looked good because she had naturally amazing eyelashes, but it is actually such an amazing mascara. It’s my current fav.

If I want bold brows I use the Napoleon Perdis pencil in chocoholic. Setting them with elf clear mascara.

Australis spritz feel so refreshing, not actually sure if it makes a difference but I love the feeling, I apply it a few times a day.

I always change up my foundation, cheeks, eyes and lips so I can’t really say I have a ‘daily’ for them.

What are you daily makeup essentials?